Meeting Your Shadow
Pre-recorded Workshop
Meeting Your Shadow is a 90-minute online workshop that will enable you to develop a beautiful, grounded & psychologically strong sense of who you are so you can start living the life you were always meant to.
What if I told you within each of us there is an hidden room full of our unwanted & rejected parts which actively sabotage our dreams & plans, causes havoc in our relationships and keeps us playing small.
What if I told you we could reclaim these parts and use their energy to
create the lives we want?
As we head into the darkest part of the year, I'm inviting you to MEETING YOUR SHADOW the 90-minute online workshop for women who want to reconnect (re-member) with the parts of themselves they've had to cut off or hide to fit in and be accepted.
We'll look at how patriarchy and early childhood conditioning, family rules & expectations (and our own) have kept us playing small... and how our internal patriarchy acts to limit our potential, telling us - that left to our own devices - we're too much, shameful, unlovable and wrong.
If you’ve grown up believing you have to behave in a certain way to be loved, that certain emotions – anger, confidence, sadness for example, need to be hidden and your sexuality, sensuality and unbridled joy need to be toned down, or if you’re convinced you’re ‘too much’, or selfish to want more, or if you're worried you’re not enough - this workshop is for you.
If you’ve had enough of living a life by everyone else’s rules, feel fed up, stuck and overwhelmed, or if you're replaying the same relationship dynamics again and again and are ready to step into the fullest, most magical and highly effective expression of who you are...