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Soul Work for Magical Lives

Access the Becoming Whole is a 90-minute pre-recorded workshop that will enable you reconnect to your authentic self and develop a beautiful, grounded & psychologically strong sense of who you are, so you can start actualizing your fullest potential.
Access to previous workshop.
The 90-minute pre-recorded workshop that will enable you to Meet Your Shadow and see what fears are holding you back. Learn how to re-home your rejected parts, and recognise how your Shadow turns up in your relationships and the
world around you.
Through this work you will learn to self-advocate and embrace your power, & creativity and develop a stronger sense of who you are.

"Hannah Fraser Moore helped me find a solidity and deep sense of ease within myself, this allowed me to make long overdue changes. I no longer priortise making everyone else happy at the expense of my plans and dreams. When I want to do something, I do it."
"Hannah Fraser Moore showed me that I didn't need to self sacrifice or chop of parts of myself to be in relationships or to get what I want - I hadn't realised how much of myself I'd abandoned - now I feel like I'm back."
"I don't know what I would have done without this coaching. I had no idea how much of myself I had packaged away and how desperately I needed me back."
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